Search Manga and Anime


This page lists all licenses and external work used throught our encyclopedia.

Please note that information available within our database is the result of an extensive work of data pre-processing (both automated and manual) and cross-referencing of existing records available among multiple different and publicly available sources.
All data owned by Animeshon is publicly available under Open Database License and Database Contents License.


Our database might contain external content and information extracted from various different sources which might include Wikipedia, AniDB, MyAnimeList, and Anime News Network.

Manga, Light Novels, and Doujinshi

Our database might contain external content and information extracted from various different sources which might include Wikipedia, Baka-Updates Manga, MyAnimeList, The Light Novel Database, The Doujinshi & Manga Lexicon, and Anime News Network.

Visual Novels

Our database might contain external content and information extracted from various different sources which might include Wikipedia, The Visual Novel Database, which is made available here under the Open Database License (ODbL).

Tracks, Songs, and OSTs

Our database might contain external content and information extracted from various different sources which might include Wikipedia, AniDB, and VGMdb.

Takedown Notices

For any takedown request related to data or content hosted on our service please send an email to