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Weekly Updates #3

Matteo Roggia

Konnichiwa, Matteo desu.

This Weekly update will be very short since the last week was almost completely spent on architecture design for the new Animeshon components and to complete the first version of the Library APIs.

The Library APIs (tracking lists) is the first component Animeshon developed targetting users. In a later version, it will allow registered users to create playlists of mixed content (Anime, Manga, Visual Novel, Light Novel, ...), share them with friends, sync with external providers, and track down the progress of the content consumption.

We are very excited to put the library in production as soon as the GUI and the Authentication and Authorization are ready since we believe it will be a powerful and useful feature thanks to the integration with Ashen and Detabesu!

To summarize the week in a bullet list:

  • Pre-Alpha version of Library APIs
  • Architecture design for user contribution in Detabesu
  • Authorization and Authentication tests

Ja ne~